I thought that I would move on from faces to the garden but unfortunately, with the death of my laptop I am limited in what I can do. So, I have decided to look at the wooden screens around the pagoda. I think it was this wood carving that first caught my attention.
The use of regular patterns and negative space seemed aesthetically pleasing.
I have never drafted a patchwork block before so I thought this would be a good challenge. I tried to find a pattern that was regular and repeated. I selected the flower and star pattern in this screen.
If you look at the screens construction there are long pieces of wood running in one direction and them joiner squares inserted at regular intervals to join these. The pattern runs on point. I took one square and deconstructed this.
I have used a CAD mechanical program to draw the pattern. I find that the geometry deletes the flowers but it gives a good tessellation .
I drafted the pattern to fit a 6" square but this is quite a detailed block and at this size it could be sewn but would be better scaled up. Times 3 gives an 18" square, which looks a bit big so I have decided to make it 12" square.
Besides the centre square there are basically two blocks the second of which would need to be worked in reversed as well.
I have decided on 4 colours and will construct the blocks using a foundation piecing method.
But that will have to keep until morning as I am too tired and need to get some sleep.