This past year has been a challenge and I think that the challenges will keep on coming in the future. Nothing really prepares you for old age, it is just kind of there on your doorstep and you have to deal with it the best way you can.
I have inherited a set of auto immune diseases which have made this time even more complicated. But, it shortened the lives of most of my relatives and I have survived, despite all the predictions of the medical profession, who started the doom and gloom predictions from the time of my birth.
The hot, humid, stormy weather upsets how my body works and that is what we have at this time of year.
I have air-conditioning in my bedroom and sewing room so that I can lock myself away from some of the effects this has on my body. I bought a fancy reclining chair to sit in when I put the pump on my legs and a laptop computer so I can use this in the chair.
Also, a Lowry frame to hold my embroidery (and the compression bags for my legs.)
I know the children will give me flowers and chocolates for my birthday but what I really wanted was a magnifying light for when I sit and embroider, so I bought one for myself. It is both a floor and table light.
I have had my old table version since the 1980's and the plastic handle has broken, although the light is still working. You know I bought a replacement light for it just in case it gave out. It never did. That was because I bought that replacement!
So, one adjusts to keep the pleasure of embroidery a continuing pleasure.