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Simple Stitching (1)

I had a couple of people ask about the simple  stitching patterns by Australian Designers, so, I thought I would put up some information about them.  Most will have a free pattern or two on their web-site so you can try their work before you purchase anything.  And, I get no kick-backs on any of this, I just find it interesting that there are so many designers here doing this thing.  I plan to feature one designer each week. 

I have already talked about Natalie Bird, who's work I love, her work is always interesting and just that bit different.

Then there is Country Hart Designs.

There are a couple of free patterns on this site and if you are looking for something quick to stitch for Xmas there is this pattern.  Just click on 'My free Pattern."

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I have also stitched her other block last year and it was a pleasure to stitch.  It is also a free download from her web page.

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These are the only free things I could find on the site but there are lots of other interesting things here.


Looking for some inspiration

It is time to think about the next Children's Class in 2019!  OMG.

Having recovered from that little shock I set out on an internet search starting with "Free Hand Embroidery Patterns."  This RSI injury is really limiting what I am able to do so I thought I would start with something easy.  First one I opened was at Craftsy and I did find about 12 free patterns of interest, which I found surprising.

But I have to tell you about the one from Raouken.

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A simple little pattern with 37 Pages of instructions for an embroidery that finished measures 12 x 13 cm.!!!  Talk about detailed.  Every single stitch is explained.  I then started following the trail to the Facebook page.  Not only embroidery, which is amazing, but knitting as well.  This for a doll's skirt.

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There is just so much out there on the web that it has got me thinking.  This RSI injury could last some time and really restrict my ability to stitch.  I am thinking about structuring this years classes around introducing kids to some of the things that are out there on the net re embroidery, starting with what ever free design we decide on first.  The web is such a huge resource that an introduction to how to use it to help you develop embroidery skills could be helpful I think.


School Holidays are nearly here.

That means that I will need to have a couple of activities to do with the grand daughters.   So I have come up with 2 that I have found on line.  Both require little in the way of resources and I think they shouldn't take longer than an hour or so each.  ( I have included a link to each one.)

bird 1

This bird is mainly left over yarn.  I think that I will pre-make the feet as they could be a bit tricky.

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bird 2

We have a lot of wooden beads left over from some other activities that we could use here.  This uses a pop-pom maker but I think we will stick to the old 2 rounds of cardboard to make ours.

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My pom poms never turn out like the ones in the photo so I will invest in some stick on eyes as well.

And another set of purse clips arrived.  I had forgotten I had ordered these.

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I thought I would do a "Queenie"

I have been looking at Queenie's cards for some time thinking, "Gee that's a great idea."   So when I was looking for something else I came across some trial designs I had stitched and immediately thought, "a card".  Small problem.  I didn't have a card with the right sized window so I had to cut a larger window in a card I already had, not very well. ( I think that I will glue a border around the edge to hide the cut and frame the embroidery and also buy some cards with larger windows.)  I stitched this using a silk thread and stem stitch, all stitched in one direction.

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I want to stitch some Xmas cards this year and that smaller window will keep the designs smaller, not like this one.  I have also been ruminating about how to make embroidery cards for little kids.  I started my grand daughters on laced cards and that was great but there needed to be another step between that and stitching on aida cloth.  Then I came across a scrap booking site by Jennifer Mc Guire Ink where she has a whole section on stitching on cards.

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In this post she has a link to a very detailed video she has posted to You Tube, 38 minutes of detail.  A lot to think about here.


What to do?

I'm sick of reading , watching, TV & DVD's.  Charlie has come home and kicked me out of my own bed!

But I can now waste time on the internet, finding interesting sites and exscaping from reality.  Put escaping pain in there somewhere.  The painkillers they gave me to ease the pain work but my heart doesn't like them so I need to be distracted from it as I have ditched the tablets.

But for now I am sailing away on my voyage of discovery.  First stop is Maude White a paper carver extrordinaire from New York.  Such skill and artistry.

Here is a short video of some of her work.



Murphy's Law

Wouldn't you know?

I have just donated all my rick rack braid, which I must have had for over 30 years, to the Embroiderers' Guilds sale table and I find this tutorial.


It is from Bernina, but I'm sure the same technique could be used on any machine that has this fancy stitch. Here it is used as an insertion but I can see it making a great edging on place mats and table runners.  What about around the hem of little girls dresses?  I will have to go in an buy back some of my donation.


With all the fuss and bother of the storm I have overlooked the fact that Advent is 7 days into the season.  The fuss and bother continues as storms move in again and we find the the hail has opened a hole on the roof and knocked holes in the new down pipes.  I see that all the new paint work around the windows is chipped as well.  Only 5 days to go and this will all be over for us and just starting for the new owners.  One thing it does show is that we were right in selling as the upkeep of this big house is just too much for us now. 

We have another little complication to add to the mix.  My daughter and her partner will be arriving the day we move.  Looks like we will have another couple of pairs of hands to help with the moving  and extra people in the house until they find somewhere to live.  Good thing I kept those extra beds.


Back to Advent.  I only realised it was Advent when my Drop Designs Christmas Calender arrived on my computer.

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I so look forward to opening a new pattern everyday.  They also have a Christmas Workshop site as well.  Here you can indulge every knitting and crochet whim you have ever had for making things for Christmas.

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I thought that I would start with a house elf for each of my grand daughters.  They are so excited to see their Xmas tree up with all the decorations.  This will be a Christmas with a difference.

Deep in the depths

I am still swimming underwater with all the computer work I have to get finished.  All I can think about is how decipher other peoples notes that look like hieroglyphics and try to unravel the intricacies of Word 8.   Every so often I come up for air and surf the web.  (I mustn't move from this seat or I might get distracted or even attempt some stitching.)

On one of my excursions I found this great tutorial for a wide open pencil case (but it could be any wide open case) at Craft Passion.

I am already thinking of ways I might make the construction easier and adapt it to be a stitchers bag.

Easter Presents

This year for the gifts for my Patchwork group I took my own advice and made the cord cuffs that I wrote about a few weeks ago.  

It took a day to make 23 of them and I didn't have very many breaks.  In fact I had a stiff neck and sore eyes from concentrating on the task.  I had only one day to make them in because I had forgotten that this was the last meeting before Easter, that very evening.


When any member of the group travels we always bring back a square of fabric, about 8" (20cm), for each member of the group. My group does a lot of travelling and I have a big bundle of squares.  I used these for the cord cuffs so that everyone would be different but I don't seem to have made any impression on the pile of squares.


When I gave them out the most previlant comment was "I could use 4 of these".  So I think that my friends will be making more for themselves. For myself I need to have labels on each one so that I know what cord belongs to what device or piece of equipment.  At the moment I have a container full of cord that I am not sure what is for which.