A Morning Cooking
June 13, 2024
I took my grand daughter Jasmine and her friend Lotte to have a hamburger after school and then drove them home. By the time I did all this I was late for the ferry home and by that time in the afternoon all the parking has been taken. (Even though I have a disability parking sticker there is nothing.) This meant parking near a bus stop and catching a bus to the ferry and the buses only run every hour so I didn't want to miss it. In the rush I left my phone in my car, that meant another trip over to the mainland the next day to get it.
The morning was wrecked so I decided to cook. I normally cook a large amount and freeze what I don't eat straight away. On impulse I bought some one serve Dutch Oven pots at Aldi. They were cheap and I am always looking for this size pot. I have to say they are great. As I am visiting my son tonight I have our dinner plus 4 other meals for me. (I also did a big pot of mince in a tomato sauce, mince on toast, spaghetti and sauce, Lasagne.)
As I was in the mood to cook I picked the end of the lemon crop. I only have the one tree that I have grown in a pot but I always get a good crop. This is right at the end of the season and I didn't want to throw them away, so, Mary's Lemon Butter, (lemon curd). (if you have an induction microwave, which has higher heats than the one used in this recipe you may have to play around with the timing in the microwave.)
I will never eat all this myself so I have some for my friends.
I am so relaxed by all this activity that I think I can go back and fight with the computers!