Changing threads

The colour green

Green was my mother's favourite colour.  But, when you think about that colour there are so many different hues.

Some of those hues change with time.  What one generation associate with the colour green can be quite different to another, so, when I found this card of old green buttons,  which I think are the kind of greens that my mother liked, I added them to my collection.

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 11.34.15 AM

I got to thinking about this when I was looking for buttons to put onto the hand towels that I use in my kitchen.  In my old home I had a towel rack but there was no space for it here so I have attached them to the handles of the stove and cupboard.  After not being able to crochet for some time when I found I could I made some to hang in the kitchen in the future.  Then I got to thinking that these might be the last hand towels I need to make!  I have a bundle of them and these will probably see me through to the end.

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 11.34.31 AM

My Friend was going through her grandmothers old recipe cards and found this.

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 11.35.27 AM

And on the back of the card was this.

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 11.35.55 AM

Some things don't change!


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There's always a sting in the tail with those "recipes" isn't there!

Carolyn Foley

Sure Is.

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