Another way of doing it.
Visit from a friend


Toys - A Cat.

Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 4.33.30 PM

This is a free pattern from Tilda"s world.

This is my version in which I got the pattern around the wrong way and instead of the seam being on the side it is at the front.  I made a real mess' but I think it is still use-able.  (My cancer treatment wiped out all the tricks I had learnt to manage my dyslexia. ) I intend to stitch this again and get the pattern right!

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 11.27.33 AM

There are 10 animals in the series, all equally adorable.  One a month for 2025?

A small stitched portrait of a friend, as part of the 12 book-covers I have on the go.

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 11.27.22 AM

And for the first time in the past 2 years I find I can crochet again. So the tops of a hand towels for the kitchen.

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 11.26.46 AM

I live in hope that I might be able to knit again.

And I have finished stitching some Kogin motives to go into those book covers.

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 11.27.10 AM

I didn't realise I had been so busy until I wrote it all down!


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It's always encouraging when you realised you've got a lot done!

Carolyn Foley

And what a surprise?

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