Xmas Toys - 2

I"ve done it!! (I hope)

I now have all of my Apple products talking to each other.  Thank goodness, and I do have quite a few, 8 at last count.

Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 12.33.17 PM

It has taken me nearly 8 months to get this done and at times I was just tearing my hair out. Living in paradise does have it's draw backs when it comes to technology.  There are so many people working from home and taking up a lot of space on the bandwidth because they are computer progammers and others that are streaming information, the rest of us get squeezed.  Even talking to the techies today on my phone saw a very limited reception.  But I got it sorted, on my own!!


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Well done indeed!

Carolyn Foley

Still having a problem with syncing my photos but everything else is good.

Queenie Patch

Congratulations! I would have given up and escaped to stitching...

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