May 01, 2024
No sewing, it is there and I will get to it, eventually. My sister and brother-in-law arrive from interstate today so I don't suppose I will get a chance to sew. Most of my time has been spent getting my house and garden in order for this visit, everything looks spick and span but all other tasks have taken a back seat.
I have been doing some knitting. Not very good as my hand is getting worse but as these are donations I don't think anyone is going to look too closely at my work.
My patchwork group down here on the bay had a visit from a local charity who assemble backpacks of items for kids who are going into care, including newborns. I had no idea there were do many children and teenagers in this situation. So, I have decided to knit-up my wool stash, starting with the baby wool. As I am now losing my ability to use my right hand it has to be something simple and as the weather is getting cooler I have started with simple hats. I hope my efforts improve as I go along.
The older children are given a quilt to go along with their backpack, which they can choose themselves. First nations kids make up at least 50% of these children and there are more boys than girls. I went out and bought fabric to make some quilts, I also intend to use most of my fabric stash to do this.
One of our members, Natalie, who is a fabric designer, approached the company who print her fabric and they donated bolts of fabric for us to use.
But, I haven't forgotten my dressmaking, it is hanging up on the door waiting for me.
Your heart is so huge - there is room for family and poor infants. Please take good care of yourself, too!
Posted by: Queenie Patch | May 01, 2024 at 12:02 PM
Even slightly wonky hats will be welcome - and isn't it lovely of the fabric company to donate some for your group to use!
Posted by: Rachel | May 02, 2024 at 08:37 PM
There are good people out there.
Posted by: Carolyn Foley | May 03, 2024 at 09:15 AM