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January 2024

No Brain at the moment

No posts for a few days.  I am having severe problems with the drugs they want me to take and I had a near miss with a scammer.  I have put all my devices in to be cleaned and that will take a few days and I just have to wait until I get the drugs out of my body.  But, I try to stitch a little each day.

More music I stitch to.

This set of pieces is just the right length and intensity (minus the adds) is just right to stitch to.  As a small child I would sit under the piano, with my back against the panel, listening to my Mother play this music.  Still love it.


Extra Note: The comment from Rachel marked my 10,000th comment.  I'm glad it was for this music.


Nothing like being prepared.  A bundle ready when I feel like stitching more Kogin.

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I think planning counts for work in progress as I intent to work on it soon.  So I have all the fabrics out to make the stitching challenge of Anne Wood.

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I do like her mantra "Done is Better than Perfect", and as this challenge is only 15 mins a day (although I'm late starting and might have to do more than the 15 mins each day) it can be done.  I really like how she assembles this book, which she shows you before you begin, and it's free, although you could make a donation.

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I have also finished the first botanical drawing for my stitched Tote Bags. As I have made this a 'vector' drawing I want to try those printable, water dissolvable A4 sheets, everyone is sold out here,  (supply chain problems.)  It is just a bit complicated to hand trace for my sore hand.  (I plan to post all these patterns when they are stitched up.)

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Mad weather

I have been in a kind of daze for a couple of months now so the time goes by and I am not there.  But I have noticed how wet it has been, unbelievable amounts of rain and wild storms.

The day can start off like this.

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Then those clouds start to appear.

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Next thing you know the storms are upon us.

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And for the last couple of weeks it seems to be storms.

Everything is SO wet. All the paths are flooded.

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But the ducks love it.

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I had a young Kerlew and her chick take cover in my car port.

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It is late in the season for a new chick and this bird was on her own.  Normally there is a male around to help but not another bird in sight.  The Lapwings (Pluvers) were stalking her, along with Ibis.  I chased them off but she was clearly a target.  Next morning I found a dead bird at the end of the road.  I'm not sure but I think it was that poor young thing.  They would have got the chick as well.  I have to admit I was very upset at seeing that dead bird.  I had to walk away.  It made me think of the mothers in Gaza and other places where there is war.  It prayed on my mind but I made myself return to do something about the body.  Luckily for me someone else had found it and buried it.

This incident has made me realise just how important our friends and family are in supporting us in time of need and how vulnerable we can be without them.

  I have been blessed with love and support during my recent time of ill health.

New Stitching Chair

My new (second hand) chair has arrived!

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The leg compression bags are hanging on my embroidery frame holder, I can just lay them on the floor when I want to stitch.  It is fully adjustable by using the electric mode selector.  I can extend the seat to raise my legs when I have to put that leg machine on.  I have a small table at the side to sit the coffee cup for coffee or tea and my knitting.  I can also watch things on my Ipad.  I just have to stay awake!  The regular pressure of those leg bags lulls me to sleep.

Now, I will have to make a cover for it.  Everything turns red here from the red soil, great for plants to grow, terrible for light coloured fabrics and shoes!


I have been busy stitching the small Kogin pieces for the pin holders.

I managed to stitch the same pattern a few times.  (Brain fog)

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These two were more open patterns, so I added knots to the first,

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and cross stitch to the second.

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They still have to be made up but that can wait for a while. 

I made a mistake about the time of my Doctors appointment so had to spend an hour in the library. There I found this magazine.

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I have never seen it in the newsagents before and I'm impressed at the content.  The library has a complete digital collection, many happy hours ahead looking at these.

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Now that I have my lymphodema under control I can wear dresses again, so I'm looking at dressmaking patterns.  Watch this space!!


Getting into it again.

I am still not fully recovered after my "dalliance" with Breast Cancer.  Actually, I'm suprised that I have survived! The odds of that happening did not look good for some time but my body scan came back clear and I have started to pick up the pieces.  There is still a lot of 'recovering' to do but I am about to venture out again.  Up until now it has just been getting to the hospital for treatment, getting back home and into bed, sleeping and getting to treatment again.  Broken only by a bit of mindless stitching to try and kick start my brain again.  (That brain fog is real.)   My local patchwork group meets today so I am going to the meeting.  I might have to go back to bed again, but, I am going to start interacting with people again.

The mindless stitching is going to expand to a new project, inspired by a group of local women, some of who have since passed.  These women collected and catalogued all the local plants on the island.  This was made into a a collection of samples that were mounted and have been since photographed.  I will stitch a selection of these onto tote bags.

This is not an original idea.  I got my inspiration to do this from a book published by Tara books in India called "A Stitch out of Time".

(The link is to a great article about the writting of this book.  Well worth a read.)

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This stitching was done on garbage bags but I am looking for a cotton/linen fabric to make my bags.  The video below shows her stitching process on an Indian cotton.


I have started by photographing some of the plants.  I need to select something uncomplicated for my first piece.

Actually, it's good to pick up the pieces and start thinking about living again.


I have progressed with my continental form of knitting so I thought it was time I attempted a new piece.  Not too complicated, small and doable.

So Blinky Bill is my first attempt.

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I still have to knit his clothes but I am pleased with the progress so far.