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July 2023

The lost things

Not being able to stitch as much does have some advantages.  Like,  I have started to reorganise some of my files in the bookcase, and Oh, the things I am finding.

I just can't open any of these they are so old.  I hope there is nothing important on them.  I am going to take them to my son and see what he can make of them.

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 I was thinking about doing some printing to make Xmas cards and then I found a bundle of old prints I had made.

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A few stitches here and there and I think these will make great Xmas cards.

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Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 11.22.12 amThis all began when I was asked by another teacher to help design some classes.  The amount of 'stuff' I have is amazing and it is just so hard to throw it away.

A little Gee - tar Music

This is Elizabeth Cotton and I love the way she plays her guitar, "Cotton Picking."   She is self taught and has written some great songs.

If you are into playing this instrument this tutorial show you how she gets that great sound.


If you are not familiar with Elizabeth Cotten there are great videos of her performances on You Tube.  This is a link to a short documentary about her.





I lost 4 days this week trying to sort out computer problems after Apple installed an automatic upgrade on my phone.  That took out my internet connection. Oh, the relief when I got it sorted.  I had planned to do so much this week and then I got three requests to do some judging of competitions, so there is no work in progress.

Maybe next week will be better?

Busy Week Ahead

Sometimes the pace of life is relaxed (not often) sometimes fast.  Mine always seems to be fast. So maybe this event will create some space.

Again this year the Q'ld Embroiderers' Guild will celebrate World Embroidery Day.  If you are in Brisbane you are invited to attend.

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A bit of a diversion

I have been cooking lots of soups which I have frozen for future use.  The quickest way to reheat is in the microwave but I keep burning my fingers.  I had seen quilted bowls that some of my friends had said are really good so did a search and found some instructions on how to make them.

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Why didn't I take notice of what my friends were saying?

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These are great and I didn't know I needed them.  Also, they are a good way to use left over fabric and especially wadding.  And as well as that they are just the right size to practice my quilting.  Some more of these are on the horizon.  (I have Ikea bowls and found that I needed to start with an 11" square of fabric.)


I taught a class this week and I really need to put everything back in order in my class folder.

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The folder is beautifully organised when I begin but somehow always ends up a mess.  I also need to print out new booklets but I have been unable to purchase inks for my printer.  (I am constantly amazed at the items I can't purchase easily since Covid.)

I am making slow progress on my pin cushions, but slow and steady will get me there.  Only 4 more, no 1.5 to go.

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I am slowly teaching myself how to stitch out words on my sewing machines to make labels to go on my finished quilts.  And I am also practising my fine zig zag and blanket stitch functions to work on a couple of quilts.

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So not a lot of what I like best, embroidery, but I am keeping busy.

Because Hand sewing is painful.

It is too, and the hand therapist tells me this could go on for some time.  So I have been exploring what I CAN do and one of those things is machine sewing.  I have just finished another quilt and sent it off to the long arm quilter and in my quest to 'do things' I have been looking back at some of my past tutorials.  I have chosen these little thread holders, although you can use them for lots of other things, like sweets and chocolates.

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I am on a mission to use up my fabric stash and although these bags are only small they make useful gifts.

This is the link to my free pattern and tutorial.

(It is in PDF format so is easy to print out.)

Memories of Venice

When I was a lot younger I travelled to Venice with my then, new husband.  We had been in Europe on business and after the business was finished and before we headed to the USA for more business, we took a couple of months to travel, leisurely, around Europe.  ( This was in the years before children.)

One placed we stayed was Venice, and unfortuneatly, it didn't live up to my expectations.  There were so many tourists.  Big cruise ships crowded the water fronts and traders pushed and pressed for them to spend with them.  So many people in a confined space.  All the magic I had thought I would find, disappeared.

But, early in the morning, or later in the evening, when the tourists disappeared Venice took off her mask and became a different place.  In fact the one I had thought I would find.  This is the memory that I had kept all these years.

I think this video captures glimpses of my memories. And the music, which is about memories, captures it as well.