My Workspace
June 26, 2023
Oh how I wish I was a tidy soul!
I seem to create mess where ever I move. Not intentionally, it just sort of happens and I find it very difficult to discard things, so they mount up. I am not a horder more a collector and can dispose of things if I really have to. Now in my later years I find that I have been living with ADHD disorder all my life without knowing. I have just thought I was a bit hyperactive, well more than a bit I suppose. But, that can be a positive. I have lots of activities on the go all the time. But now I find my auto-immune problems are catching up with me and I have to slow down. (My parents were told I wouldn't live past my teenage years, but I'm still here in my 70's.)
What brought this on? Well I looked at Christine Kelly's Gentlework's blog which led me to her Facebook page and there was this beautiful workspace.
I wonder if it looks like this all the time, or if like me, it can descend into chaos?
I love the way she repurposes old embroidery.
I keep telling myself to "stop, clean up, be more organised, just finish one thing at a time" .
I have to try and get this room organised. My cleaning lady comes this week!
Cleaning up before the cleaning lady comes is a time honoured tradition!
Posted by: Rachel | June 27, 2023 at 01:34 AM
I do it all the time.
Posted by: Carolyn Foley | June 27, 2023 at 05:36 PM