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December 2022

Grannie's Button Box

It comes as a bit of a shock to realise that I am the Grannie who own's this button box!

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I have finished my Xmas dress and had to attach a button at the back neck, so, I choose a flower.  (I still love looking at the buttons.)

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The only problem is, it is soooo cold!  It is usually hot and steamy at this time of year.  Instead there is a 90km wind blowing in on us.  The children all stand at the end of the jetty so they can dodge the waves as they roll in.  They are all wet through to their skin.  The old people have to have someone either side of them so they can walk and getting onto the ferry is tricky.  A really rough ride home.  And I have my new summery dress.

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Hope it warms up by the 25th!



I have been drawing small designs in my journal of flowers and things that I find on my walks in the mornings. 

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Sometimes it is just a bit of scribbling.

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Sometimes it might be a photo I take with my phone.

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I had thought about how I might make them into a series of small embroideries for mini hoops to be used for broaches etc.

Now reading Sharron's post on Pintangle I think that this would be the perfect challenge for me to get my pieces from my design journal into an actual article.  The challenge is only once a month, so that is do-able, and, as it is part of a group challenge I can have extra input from others and if they don't work out who cares?