The passing of our Queen

There is finishing and finishing

So, I have finished my 5 soft quilted baskets, although the things to put in them are still to be done.  Each basket is a different quilting design.

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The finishing of each basket took a bit of extra time.  I do not like how many instructions tell you to just machine stitch the opening in the bottom lining closed. 

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It is messy and not a good finish.  I always ladder stitch this opening to close it.

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To do this I use my normal sewing thread and an embroidery needle.

The other thing I like to do is catching the corners of the lining to the main fabric.  It really annoys me if that lining doesn't stay in place.   To do this I use a perle 8 thread and a thicker needle. 

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I start by making a quilter's knot in the end of the thread, some times I add an extra twist of thread on the needle so it will hold.

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I then trim this back.

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I line up my corners, that is the lining and the main fabric,

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and pull the thread through to the corner on the other side until it is firmly in place.

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Just below the fold I then make 2 back stitches.  You have to look for this stitching as it sort of disappears.


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to finish the thread I run my needle between the layers of fabric and cut it close to where I brought my needle out.

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I know it would have been a lot easier just to machine close that opening but taking time to finish a project is really worth the investment of time to give you a more professional finish.



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Absolutely it is!

Queenie Patch

I agree with you, the ladder stitch closure is far nicer. I love your idea for the corners, too.

Carolyn Foley

I feel a lot happier doing it this way.

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