A little Mole
Where I live


I have a beginners class this week end coming so have prepared all my kits and bib and bobs in preparation.

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The crocheting continues and I still have another 40 flowers to crochet row 3 to.  Each flower ends up as a hexigon but I have to finish row 3 first.

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And I have a little bit of applique under way.

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  I couldn't buy the Moda towelling anywhere nearby so have had  to send off for a kit.  I am going to make a couple of modifications to the pattern.  The main ones being omitting the lining and interfacing.  I want this runner for the patio table so those things are not necessary.  I was sent a complimentary pattern with my purchase so I might need to stitch this as well.

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And the last Kogin bag for the experiment on how to make up the bags. 

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No set design here, it is just making up it's own way how it wants to go.


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You've got a lot on the go there!

Carolyn Foley

a bit too much, as usual.

Queenie Patch

I am in awe! I would NEVER be able to work up a Kogin pattern without a pattern, if you see what I mean.
The crochet flower blanket will be very colourful.

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