May 09, 2022
I once subscribed to a number of embroidery magazines, until they almost took over my house. I had to make the unwelcome decision to end this practice of collection magazines. I had a complete set of magazines from Inspirations, right from issue 1, and with a heavy heart donated them all to the Queensland Embroiderers' Guild library. But, I knew that they had a subscription to this and the other magazines I had subscribed to, and I could read the new issues there, or even borrow them if I wanted something in particular. Still it wasn't an easy decision.
Fast forward a few years and technology has me subscribing to the Newsletters, that those magazines that are still being published, distribute on-line. I have to say that the Inspiration Magazine newsletter is still one of my favourites and if you are an embroidery tragic like me you could get there weekly newsletter on their web page.
But beware. There are wonderful things there that will tempt you, (Oh those Betsy Morgan cross stitch designs) along with the great features that they have on-line. This month there is a great article about the various ways you can transfer a design.
Source: Inspiration Magazine newsletter.
And Opps! I just ordered a new book.
How did that happen?
Oh, that happens all too easily!
Posted by: Rachel | May 10, 2022 at 12:23 AM
I have such a weak will!
Posted by: Carolyn Foley | May 10, 2022 at 11:57 AM