Where I Live
April 28, 2022
The weather has returned to being terrible again and the reports say we are going to have rain and high winds for the next two weeks.
The ground is sodden and when the high winds hit we had a huge tree come down out the front of the house next door.
Wham, Bang and there went to power to the whole island. It would happen on a public holiday and they had to get a crew and all their equipment over from the mainland. So, it was a major to do.
This tree broke off about 4 metres above the ground and as you can see it is a big tree.
Luckily it just missed the house next door but the front garden is cactus. You couldn't see that there was a fault in the tree up this high and the wind was gusting well over 100K an hour. Luckily it missed the power poles or it would have taken even longer to repair.
The house next door is a holiday home and the lady that owns it is in her 90's. They were not there this week, which was a good thing because the noise of the tree breaking and falling gave me a start, not to mention everyone else who lives nearby. There was great rushing around to check that everyone was OK and accounted for. When I checked on the verandahs I found all these snake skins that had fallen from the trees, I am going to look up when I go under them in future.
When the repair crews arrived from the main land the first thing they did was set up their lights. They knew it would take some time to run new lines and connect them. Everyone laughs at me and my 'cyclone cupboard'.
OH MUM!!, What do you need that for?
Well this time I had all the candles and standby gas for the BBQ ready and on hand, along with torches, batteries for the radio and I knew to rush around and get dinner ready before the sun set.
There were lots of candle lite dinners on the island that night.
It look 24 hours till we were connected again.