More Flowers
August 17, 2021
At this time of year the gum trees are in bloom, a bit too much in bloom. There are seeds and flowers all over the place. Especially on my newly washed car!!
I hadn't realised just how many types of wattle flowers there are until I started to look. They don't all flower at the same time, rather one comes out then another. The bright splashes of yellow in the bush catch your attention. Looking closely I can see that they have different leaves and flower formations, it is just the bright yellow that is consistent. The one I am looking at now is more like a finger of flowers rather than the little puff balls you usually see. The green of the leaves is a lot darker than some of the others, but they all say spring.
So here is another little embroidery of this variety of wattle. I have used Danish flower thread for the stems and flowers and DMC stranded cotton, 2 strands for the leaves, to stitch it onto a small piece of 32 count linen. I will include this design in a class I will be teaching later on this year "Discovering more Stitches" for the Embroiderers Guild. Again, this design was inspired by that Japanese fabric. (In fact there is nothing like it on the fabric it just sent my brain in this direction.)
But, is such a nice small design, approx 3"x3", I thought I would include it here.
Download Japanese fabric designs - wattle
I love Danish Flower Thread. I found it in Denmark on my first visit, which was a long time ago. I used to have to import it but now a lot of shops stock it.
Posted by: Carolyn Foley | August 19, 2021 at 03:17 PM