It turned quite cold here, well cold enough to put on a T shirt with sleeves in it. It hit in the middle of the night and, half asleep, I headed to the linen cupboard to get a quilt. I pulled, what I thought was a quilt out and went back to bed. Next morning I found I hadn't got a quilt but an embroidered woollen blanket! I have never used this, it is too pretty and besides the dogs have a habit of jumping on the bed. It is a bit creased because it has been in the cupboard for about, I don't know, 20 years. (It is the blanket I found a note pinned on saying "this is mine when Mum dies" Laura.)
I must say the embroidery is rather good. Those cast-on roses are perfect, well I did a number of them,
and I nailed those cherries.
I remember thinking, " I can make the bow stand proud if I stretch the fabric in a hoop". I used a shadow stitch and it worked.
This was about the time that Carolyn Pearce first had her wool embroidery featured in Inspiration Magazine. I was so taken by it I had to try wool embroidery.
I added a few extras stitches to what she used (like those roses instead of silk ribbon work).
Carolyn's work from Inspiration Magazine
As I was working at the time all the stitching was done here on the island when we came over for out July school holidays. It was cold and I remember sitting out in the sun in a sheltered position and stitching. It was too cold for the beach and I had my little radio and discovered some classical composers I hadn't heard before. What lovely memories.