Catching my breath
July 30, 2018
The past few weeks have been fast and furious. I have had lots of deadlines and I have been fighting the flu and the end of this virus. But here I am, still standing or standing, some of the time. Whilst people were flying away on jet planes and everything else the renovation of the bathroom has continued. I am not pleased with the results at all but to correct it would mean pulling all the tiles from the walls, and they are marble and go right up to the ceiling, and we would have to replacing everything.
The other thing that is driving me up the wall is that the contents of my linen cupboard is here in my sewing room and the sewing room is a mess. But there is so much stuff piled up I can't get in to organise it. I hate working in a mess. I like my workspace organised and tidy. At the moment my husband is vacuming his room that has no mess. He hates mess also, but it is alright in my space but not his. (That is how the contents of the linen cupboard ended up in here.)
I am going to tackle this bit by bit. I will take the opportunity to throw away a lot of linen that is old. It will be painful because no linen is really old.. So I am 2 bins down and about 6 to go. I also intend to organise all my fabrics. Just one draw at a time. My intention is to be ruthless. Hope I can keep to that.