Charliie - update


Today I will know if I have to have my dog put down.  I had been taking her to the local vet for problems with her eyes.  She has cataracts and I was told not to worry.  But worry I did and my husband took her to our old vet in town.  She is having an emergency  operation at 9am this morning.

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She has been my constant companion for the past 10 years.  I got her as a little puppy .

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I have always had family dogs but Charlie was my dog.  She laid beside me when I was ill.

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And now I may have to say goodbye to my dearest friend and her serious face.

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I do pray for a reprieve, but I don't want her to be in pain.


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Lesley Olivieri

at least with our best friends we can do something to rid them of pain. I will be thinking of your Charlie and final outcome. You won't forget him ever.


I hope your companion can be with you for some time yet!

Carolyn Foley

So do I.

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