Xmas Cards - No 1 & 2

I thought I would do a "Queenie"

I have been looking at Queenie's cards for some time thinking, "Gee that's a great idea."   So when I was looking for something else I came across some trial designs I had stitched and immediately thought, "a card".  Small problem.  I didn't have a card with the right sized window so I had to cut a larger window in a card I already had, not very well. ( I think that I will glue a border around the edge to hide the cut and frame the embroidery and also buy some cards with larger windows.)  I stitched this using a silk thread and stem stitch, all stitched in one direction.

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I want to stitch some Xmas cards this year and that smaller window will keep the designs smaller, not like this one.  I have also been ruminating about how to make embroidery cards for little kids.  I started my grand daughters on laced cards and that was great but there needed to be another step between that and stitching on aida cloth.  Then I came across a scrap booking site by Jennifer Mc Guire Ink where she has a whole section on stitching on cards.

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In this post she has a link to a very detailed video she has posted to You Tube, 38 minutes of detail.  A lot to think about here.



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That has possibilities, doesn''t it!


Ha, ha! Greetings from Queenie!
Yes, using small embroidery try-outs or tiny projects are perfect for making cards. I always finish my cards with a back and sometimes a nice edge (will try your VanDyke stitch)are loose and can be taken out of the window. Then I place the loose card inside the window card. Some of the recipients remove the card and frame it or use it as a book mark.
I am beginning to run out of window cards and will start making my own ones.
Your embroidered tree is fabulous!

Carolyn Foley

Now I have started there will be no stopping me.

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