Sometimes you can be lucky. I was lucky the other day when I was reminded on Facebook that there was an exhibition called War quilts showing out at the Ipswich Art Gallery.
It is only on for a week and finishes this Saturday 25th March '17, so you will need to be quick to see it there. It will also be on display at the Australian Quilt Convention in Melbourne in April. I have to say that I have been to lots of Historical Quilt exhibits around the world but this one was exceptional. And because it was out at Ipswich there were no crowds and I got to REALLY see every stitch.

As I was on the mainland baby sitting and I had a few hours before I had to pick up the girls from school, It was into the car to brave the traffic and the rain to get there. This is only a small gallery but they always have good exhibits and we visit with the children quite a lot. They have a dedicated Children's Gallery for under twelves which the kids love.
I don't know where to start with these quilts. Firstly, there is a wonderful book by Dr Annette Gero, $89 but worth every penny.

Photo Wayne Taylor
I can't find the book in any on-line book shop as yet so she must be selling them herself.
I will start with a quilt I saw a number of years ago in a dark corner in the Brisbane Council Gallery in the 1990's. Back then my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it. I knew it was very significant but there was no label on it and it was just part of a 'People of Queensland' display. I rang the council, spoke to the attendants but couldn't get any information and it disappeared. Now here it was again and this time all the information was there.

I didn't have my camera with me, it is in for repair, so all the photos were taken on my iphone. I looked for a sign about photography, but there was non and I asked the attendant who thought it would be fine to take photos. I still felt a bit uncomfortable taking photos so didn't take as many as I would have liked. It is the details that I wanted to see. There are lovely images in the book but not those little details. Like the embroidery with the applique of the children's song. All the flowers and grass are embroidered there. Even the hair on the pig

And there is a snake in the tree. The tree of knowledge?

And look at those rabbits and that bird.

And this is just ONE of the many wonderful quilts on display. I am pouring over the book which is full of detail and as I digest more of the information I will post again about this exhibition. I might even make an embroidery of part of this quilt.