Part way there


I wasn't able to get onto Typepad last night and it was out again this morning so I'm a bit late today.  I haven't done much stitching on day 6 but I have started.


The big sewing thing is getting the kits ready for the Children's Class.  I have overlocked 36 pieces of linen and cut fabric for the cushion backs.  I still have to sew all of these.

Screen Shot 2016-06-08 at 7.08.55 am

I have been busy preparing for the visit of my sister and brother-in-law from interstate today.  My sister and I keep in touch by telephone but we don't see each other very often.  When I was working full time I often visited Sydney so we could have time together.  I am so looking forward to seeing her.


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Have a great time with your sister!

Carolyn Foley

I think that that will include the consumption of quite a bit of wine.

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