Deep in the depths
September 19, 2014
I am still swimming underwater with all the computer work I have to get finished. All I can think about is how decipher other peoples notes that look like hieroglyphics and try to unravel the intricacies of Word 8. Every so often I come up for air and surf the web. (I mustn't move from this seat or I might get distracted or even attempt some stitching.)
On one of my excursions I found this great tutorial for a wide open pencil case (but it could be any wide open case) at Craft Passion.
I am already thinking of ways I might make the construction easier and adapt it to be a stitchers bag.
I sympathize - any interaction with other people's note-taking has me muttering viciously to myself!
Posted by: RachelandDesign | September 20, 2014 at 05:41 AM