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Zippers - 1 c

Zippers - 1a & b

One of the classes that I teach is "Machine Finishing" for embroiderers'.  We look at cords, lace insertion, edges etc.  But the thing I find that scares most people is putting in zippers.  This comes up time after time and really surprised me.  The comment that is highest on the list is;

"I had to do this at school and I hate it."

Putting in zippers can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.  Let me point out at this point I am not talking about zipper insertion for dressmaking, that has a different set of rules.  No, this is for embroiderers' who want to make up their work.  Usually pouches, pillows and the like.

If you want to learn about zippers for dressmaking Crafsy has a great free set of lessons called Mastering Zipper Techniques. Including a run down on the different types of zippers and several ways of inseting them. 

With this in mind I have been experimenting with the ways to insert a zipper and thought I would share them.  I may get to the end of this process and then find some new ways to do this, so I have added a catagory in the side bar so that they can be accessed easily.

Zipper No 1

A front opening zipper (very easy)

Using this method the zipper is used as a design feature.  Meaning you can see it.  In the examples below the colour of the zip has been choosen to compliment the fabric but you could choose a colour that makes a statement.

I put up these tutorials back in 2009 and they are still popular.

These pouches are made with one piece of fabric.  The first is unlined and the second lined. Neither bag has top stitching on the zipper, rather, the zipper sits a little proud.

Download Zipper insertion 1 a

Download Zipper insertion 1 b

These samples are made with soft furnishing samples.  The one's that are in the sample books that the reps throw out or sell very cheaply.  They usually come with paper glued at the top but I have found you can get this paper off by either soaking it in water or putting it in the freezer depending on the glue used.



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This is great treatment for the zipper-phobobic.

Carolyn Foley

Thanks, more to come.

Sent from my iPhone

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