Hmong Embroidery
March 21, 2013
Friend Pammy gave me two pieces of Hmong embroidery when she last visited. Both use recycled pieces surrounded by new additions. Piece No I is a traditional cross stitch pattern.
This has then been sewn onto a piece of fabric and another row of stitching added and then a contrasting band added to this.
The tacking of the band and the extra stitching is visable from the back.
Piece No 2 has an unusual maze type pattern machined on the fabric. I have seen this type of pattern before but do not know the significance of it.
Again, extra rows of embroidery and briads have been added to the origanal piece and then an edge. The original stitching in the centre is machined in a tiny stitch and has a stain on it. It must have had some importance for it to be reused in this condition.
Do you know what the two pieces actually are for?
Posted by: Queeniepatch | March 21, 2013 at 03:19 PM
They look like pocket trims.
Posted by: Carolyn Foley | March 21, 2013 at 04:10 PM
Mazes usually symbolise the journey of Life, or some sort of spiritual journey, at least in Europe - might that be the theme here as well?
Posted by: Rachel | March 22, 2013 at 02:38 AM