Young Embroiderers
People at an exhibition

1 day Children's Holiday Class

This class is running for the first time in the Easter School Holiday break.  I wasn't sure how it would go but we only have a few places left.  (You can find the class registration form here.)


The details are:

DATE:        Tuesday 9th April 2013

TIME:         9.30am to 2.30 pm

COST:         $25.00

Included in the cost is lunch, (Children should bring their own morning tea), Tuition and the kit.

In the kit are all the materials and instructions for making the scissor keeper.

  • Felt and threads
  • needle & stuffing
  • the cord to attach it to the scissor,
  • a pair of small embroidery scissor  and
  • the safety cover for the scissors and
  • the beads to make an attachment to the handle of the scissors.

There are a number of designs.  From the very simple for our beginners.

IMG_8729 - Version 5

To the more complex for our more experienced stitchers.

IMG_8732 - Version 2

Check the Guild website for all details.


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No wonder it is almost fully booked! If only I were an Aussie child...

Carolyn Foley

Now I hope I get enough helpers on the day.

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