Out of action

Out of bed

Thank you all for your comments and good wishes.

I'm allowed up for a little today, so first thing is to check the computer.  I have had my ipad in bed but have to admit all I want to do is sleep and I find typing on the ipad hard work.  

Now I have to start to think about what is happening in the world again.  I still have another week of bed rest and high doses of antibiotics but I think I have turned the corner, and, I will be able to sit in a chair.  Laying in bed on your back is not good for pressure points on your body.

I got an email from my friend, Angela, who is travelling in Iceland.  Jee I hope they don't get stuck there with the volcano eruptingI like these trolls she found in Norway.  I remember the same kind of sculptures up in the trees in the Swiss Alps when we lived there.

DSC06531- Angela & troll friend

The original is never quite like the commercial version is it?

DSC06531- Angela & troll friend_2

My prayers go out to all those people who have had to suffer the effects of the twisters in the USA.  It must have been terrifying and the reports say there could be more. 

That's it back to bed.


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Clearly more quiet and rest are needed... Hope you continue to get them!

Carolyn Foley

Thank you Rachel.

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