Owls for Monique

Make do

I must be getting better because I am itching to get to do things.  Case in point.  I have spent some time lying here listening to my iPod but I can't use the bud ear plugs and have to have earphones that sit over the ear.  The problem was that the foam that covered the plastic has completely perished.  Everyone is too busy to go and buy me a new set so into the crochet thread and I found some very old silk thread and made some new covers.


The silk is smooth against the skin and the crochet pattern allows the sound through.


And the thread is fine enough that it fits snugly over the ear piece.

My husband reckons they would look good in all kinds of different colours with leaves and flowers around the edge.   I just wanted usable headphones. 



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You are such a clever girl!

Carolyn Foley

Not feeling to clever at the moment.


What a great idea! A great way to keep the headphones useable - and probably more comfortable than they have ever been..

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