Nearly the end of the year.
December 31, 2010
I had a bad fall today when I stood up too quickly, had a head spin and ended up in the fireplace. I am such a Klutz!! So I'm back on the walking stick for a few days. I had a feeling when I was walking this morning, the first time after a bad back, that perhaps that was too good to be true.
But my woes pale into insignificance beside those of the 200,000 people who have been flooded out of their home. This photo of a stranded wallaby brings it home to you.
And those poor people in Emerald, just thinking of the clean up is mind boggling.
(photos from the ABC)
Walking along the river this morning I kept my eyes open for snakes. It seems strange to see so much water rushing through when only a few months ago the dams were down to 17% capacity. The kids had taken up vantage points and told me they had seen snakes and big rats riding the rubbish coming down the river. The river sweeps into the bank near where I walk, so the eyes are open for snakes.
I finished my sample for the "Children's Embroidery Classes" which will be in January 2011. I found the advanced pattern easier than the beginners, work that one out.
advanced beginners
And I'm not sure that some of the little ones will be able to handle the assembly. I found it hard on the fingers.
I have just stitched this when I had a spare moment so I think I will stitch a second one and see how long it takes. Well, I'm going to be sitting resting this knee for the next few days. Gee I hope I haven't broken anything.