End of the Conference
May 25, 2009
So the conference is over and I have learnt so much. About things like Wikis, 2nd Life, hosting web-pages, digital portfolios. The list goes on and on. Now the challenge is to work out how to incorporate it in my teaching. The other question this has thrown up is do I want to keep teaching in the State system that talks about innovation and creativity but does everything possible to stop this happening. Big Questions.
It rained most of the weekend but still well designed spaces look good in the wet as well as the dry. Or maybe it's just that I love pink!
I liked the name for the techies in the school as well.
And looking out the windows at the surrounding apartments I always find those balconies intriguing. I have drawn up this design for a quilt where each of the blocks is a view of a balcony on an apartment building. I like the one with the paddling pool, but oh the weight of the water. I hope it holds.
Next day there were people there as well.
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