I'm still running behind but it is time to decorate for Christmas. My decorations are a collections of ornaments and objects that I have made and collected since my teens. They have traveled all around the country, been transported by sea, air, rail and road from one home to another. Some have been sadly laid to rest, others repaired, some have fallen to little fingers or been attacked by puppies or cats.

Our tree is over 20 years old now. We switched from a live tree because the boy scouts stopped delivering them and they only came the week before Christmas. This year we had our first broken branch. And, you will notice the bottom branches have been left bare, Miss Charlie was taking too much interest.

My children come home, as if by some kind of
homing device when it is time for the tree to go
up. As each decoration is unpacked along with each
one comes the memories and stories of times past.
There are only a few of these little wool Santas
that I bought in Denmark over 30 years ago.

When I was single I had a good income and bought expensive decorations like these apples. Their core is made of styrofoam which was a new invention back in the 1970,s.
Then there was the year when we were broke and I crocheted stars that I dipped in starch to make them ridged. Only 2 remains.
I marvel at the set of straw decorations that came from China 15 years ago. Some one actually sat and made these by hand.
There are decorations made by students who gave them to me as Xmas gifts and as I hang them I think about each of those kids and say a little prayer for them and their families at this time of year. So the tree is done. Tomorrow it will be the rest of the house.