I have spent the last week trying to juggle starting the new school year and completing Lesson one's exercises for my on line class.
I have got through the first week of school without falling apart and in fact am congratulating myself on coping well. I am trying a new strategy for remembering names and faces for each class. I took my pocket camera along with me and photographed each student, then, at night I put the names to the faces. It seems to be working well. Normally you remember all the difficult students first. I have a Work Education class which will keep me on my toes, I don't think that I have had every student there as yet and some have already been given a few days at home to consider their behaviour. Still I have a great year 9 textiles class.
I decided to use Coochiemudlo Island as the source of inspiration for the designs for my on-line class. And after spending the day there taking photographs, reduced them to four that I thought would make possible designs. Images of this place are so tied to emotions and memories that it is very difficult to decide just what is the essence of this Island.
I have used the image of the wild hibiscus before in my work but colour is so important to it that to make it monochromatic in beige and white was too difficult emotionally for me.
When I took it back to neutral colours it was a pretty picture but didn't capture what I wanted to say.
This design relies on colour for its impact so I have discarded it.
This one was another possible but it only showed on small part of what makes up the island.
I almost threw this photo away it was so ordinary. Just the red rocks of the island, sand and a bit of weed washed over by the sea. But this is an island in Moreton Bay Australia, that has sandy beaches that are safe to swim from. Distinctive red rocks. That is what the name means in the aboriginal language, 'red rock in the sea.'
I took it back to black and white and started to play around with it.
I had been drawing a lot of organic shapes and have decided that there is possibilities in this design.
The next step was to annotate the drawing with suggested stitches and ways of working. (double click to see the details.)
And my next step will be to get the design onto my fabric, so, I'm off to the Embroiderers' Guild to use their light box. Now, a light box, Mother's Day is in May!!!